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PI Eligibility for IRB Protocols, IACUC Protocols, and Sponsored Research Proposals/Awards

PI Eligibility for IRB Protocols, IACUC Protocols, and Sponsored Research Proposals/Awards

Northwestern University researchers can utilize this chart to determine whether they are eligible to serve as Principal Investigator (PI) on an IRB protocol, IACUC protocol, or a Sponsored Research proposal/award.

If, based on the researcher’s University status/title, they fall into the “case-by-case” category, the researcher should consult the website of the respective office for detailed instructions on how to submit a formal request for consideration of PI status.

If the researcher has a temporary appointment (e.g., coterminous, summer session, visiting), regardless of whether their status/title is “eligible,” they must submit a formal request for consideration of PI status.

Obtaining approval to serve as PI from one office does not grant automatic approval to serve as PI for other offices. For example, Sponsored Research may approve the researcher to serve as the PI to apply for a grant, but they may need to identify an eligible individual to serve as PI on the IRB or IACUC study, with the researcher serving as co-investigator.

a complex table describing eligibility of PIs in terms of IRB/IACUC and Sponsored Research with marks in each relevant category